Can You Give Birds Bread

Can You Give Birds Bread
Amanda Powell
Amanda Powell Avian Expert June 03, 2023

Can You Give Birds Bread?

Feeding birds is a popular pastime for many people, and it's important to ensure that we're feeding them the right food. The most common food items given to birds are seeds, nuts, and fruits. However, many people wonder if bread is a suitable food item for birds. In this article, we'll explore whether or not you can give birds bread and provide some guidelines for feeding birds safely.

Can You Give Birds Bread

Yes, you can give birds bread, but it should be given in moderation as it lacks nutritional value and can cause health problems. It is recommended to provide birds with a balanced diet of seeds, fruits, and vegetables.

Types of Bread

There are many different types of bread, including white, whole wheat, sourdough, and rye. While bread can provide birds with some nutritional value, not all types of bread are created equal. Whole wheat bread is a better option than white bread because it contains more fiber and nutrients. Sourdough bread is also a good option because it's easier for birds to digest. However, it's important to remember that bread should only be given to birds in moderation.

Pros and Cons of Giving Bread to Birds

There are both advantages and disadvantages to feeding bread to birds. One advantage is that bread is an inexpensive and readily available food item. It's also a good source of carbohydrates and can provide birds with some energy. However, one of the main disadvantages of feeding bread to birds is that it can be harmful to their health. Bread doesn't contain many of the nutrients that birds need to stay healthy, and it can also cause digestive problems if they eat too much of it.

Alternative Food Options for Birds

If you're looking for alternative food items to give to birds, there are many options available. Seeds, nuts, and fruits are all good choices because they provide birds with the nutrients they need to stay healthy. You can also purchase bird feeders that are specifically designed to hold these types of food items. Another option is to make your own bird food by mixing together different types of seeds and nuts.

How to Feed Birds Bread Safely?

If you do decide to feed birds bread, it's important to do so safely. Here are some guidelines to follow:

Quantity of Bread

Only give birds a small amount of bread at a time. Too much bread can cause digestive problems and may also attract unwanted pests.

Preparation of Bread

Make sure the bread is fresh and hasn't gone stale. Cut the bread into small pieces to make it easier for birds to eat. Avoid giving birds bread that contains additives or preservatives.

Feeding Locations

Choose a feeding location that's away from busy roads and other potential hazards. Keep the feeding area clean and avoid leaving bread out for too long, as it can attract pests and other animals.


In conclusion, while bread can be given to birds in moderation, it's important to remember that it's not the best food item for them. There are many alternative food options available that provide birds with the nutrients they need to stay healthy. If you do decide to feed birds bread, make sure to do so safely by following the guidelines we've provided.

Frequently Asked Questions

What bread is safe for birds?

Whole grain bread is the safest option for birds as it contains necessary nutrients and fiber.

What food should you not feed birds?

Avoid feeding birds bread with mold, chocolate, avocado, caffeine, alcohol, and salty or sugary foods as they can be harmful to birds.

Do wild birds recognize humans who feed them?

Yes, wild birds can recognize humans who feed them and may become dependent on human-provided food.

How do you feed wild birds?

You can feed wild birds by placing bird feeders filled with appropriate food in a safe and accessible location, or by scattering birdseed on the ground.

Can bread be harmful to birds?

Bread can be harmful to birds if it contains mold, is too dry, or is the only food being offered as it lacks necessary nutrients.

What are some alternatives to bread for feeding birds?

Alternatives to bread for feeding birds include birdseed, fresh fruits and vegetables, mealworms, and suet.

Can birds eat bread crusts?

Yes, birds can eat bread crusts as long as they are not moldy or stale. However, it is important to offer a variety of foods for a balanced diet.