How to Keep Black Birds Away from Bird Feeder

How to Keep Black Birds Away from Bird Feeder
Amanda Powell
Amanda Powell Avian Expert June 03, 2023

Are black birds taking over your bird feeder and scaring away other bird species? If so, you're not alone. Black birds are known for their aggressive behavior and their tendency to dominate bird feeders, making it difficult for other birds to access them. In this article, we'll explore effective methods to keep black birds away from bird feeders and ensure a more diverse and enjoyable bird watching experience.

How to Keep Black Birds Away from Bird Feeder

To keep black birds away from bird feeder, use safflower seeds, which they dislike, and avoid using sunflower seeds. Place the feeder in an open area, away from trees and bushes, and use a feeder with smaller perches to discourage larger birds. Use a squirrel-proof feeder and clean up spilled seeds regularly to avoid attracting birds and other animals.

Understanding Black Birds and Their Behavior

Types of Black Birds

There are several types of black birds that commonly visit bird feeders, including crows, grackles, and starlings. These birds are often identified by their black feathers, but they may also have iridescent or colorful markings. While these birds are beautiful to look at, they can be a nuisance for bird enthusiasts who want to attract a variety of bird species to their feeders.

Behavior of Black Birds

Black birds are attracted to bird feeders because they provide a reliable source of food. However, they are also known for their aggressive behavior and their tendency to dominate bird feeders. They may scare away other bird species or consume large quantities of food, leaving little for other birds to eat. Black birds may also cause damage to bird feeders by pecking at them or knocking them over in their quest for food.

Impact of Black Birds on Bird Feeders

Black birds can have a significant impact on the feeding habits of other birds and the overall health of bird feeders. When black birds dominate a feeder, they may scare away other bird species or consume large quantities of food, leaving little for other birds to eat. This can lead to malnutrition and illness among other bird species. Additionally, black birds may cause damage to bird feeders by pecking at them or knocking them over in their quest for food.

Methods to Keep Black Birds Away from Bird Feeders

Physical Deterrents

One effective method to keep black birds away from bird feeders is to use physical barriers and deterrents. This may include placing a cage or mesh barrier around the feeder to prevent black birds from accessing it. Additionally, bird enthusiasts may use specialized feeders that are designed to deter black birds, such as those with weight-sensitive perches that close when a heavy bird lands on them.

Seed Selection

Another effective method to keep black birds away from bird feeders is to choose seeds that are less attractive to black birds and more appealing to other bird species. For example, black birds tend to prefer sunflower seeds, while other bird species may prefer millet or safflower seeds. By choosing seeds that are less attractive to black birds, bird enthusiasts can encourage a wider variety of bird species to visit their feeders.

Feeder Placement

Strategic placement of bird feeders can also make it difficult for black birds to access them. For example, bird enthusiasts may place feeders in areas that are difficult for black birds to reach, such as on high poles or in trees with small branches. Additionally, bird enthusiasts may place multiple feeders in different areas of their yard to spread out the food and prevent black birds from dominating a single feeder.

Sound and Visual Deterrents

Finally, bird enthusiasts may use sound and visual deterrents to scare away black birds and prevent them from approaching bird feeders. This may include using scarecrows, reflective tape, or noise-making devices to deter black birds from the area. Additionally, bird enthusiasts may use natural deterrents, such as planting thorny bushes or installing bird spikes, to discourage black birds from landing on or near the feeder.


By understanding the behavior of black birds and implementing effective methods to keep them away from bird feeders, bird enthusiasts can ensure a more diverse and enjoyable bird watching experience. Whether through physical barriers, seed selection, feeder placement, or sound and visual deterrents, there are many ways to keep black birds at bay and encourage a wider variety of bird species to visit your feeder.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I keep black birds from taking over my bird feeder?

One effective way to keep black birds away from your bird feeder is to use a feeder with smaller openings. Black birds have larger beaks and are unable to access food through smaller openings. You can also try using a feeder with a weight-activated perch that closes the feeding ports when a heavier bird, like a black bird, lands on it.

How do you scare blackbirds away but not other birds?

One way to scare black birds away without affecting other birds is to use visual deterrents, like shiny reflective objects or predator decoys. Black birds are often intimidated by these objects and will avoid them, while other birds are not affected. You can also try using a bird feeder with a cage around it to prevent larger birds, like black birds, from accessing the food.

What will keep blackbirds away?

Some effective methods to keep black birds away from your bird feeder include using a feeder with smaller openings, using a weight-activated perch, or using visual deterrents like shiny reflective objects or predator decoys. You can also try using a bird feeder with a cage around it to prevent larger birds, like black birds, from accessing the food.

How do you feed cardinals and not blackbirds?

One way to feed cardinals and not black birds is to use a feeder with smaller openings. Cardinals have smaller beaks and are able to access food through smaller openings, while black birds are not. You can also try using a feeder with a weight-activated perch that closes the feeding ports when a heavier bird, like a black bird, lands on it. Additionally, you can try using a bird feeder with a cage around it to prevent larger birds, like black birds, from accessing the food.

What kind of food should I put in my bird feeder to deter black birds?

Black birds are attracted to certain types of food, like sunflower seeds and suet. To deter black birds, try using a bird seed mix that does not contain sunflower seeds or suet. You can also try using safflower seeds, which are less appealing to black birds but still attract other birds like cardinals and finches.

How often should I clean my bird feeder to keep black birds away?

It is important to clean your bird feeder regularly to prevent the buildup of mold and bacteria that can attract black birds. Depending on the type of feeder and the weather conditions, you should clean your feeder at least once a month or more frequently if it becomes dirty or wet. Use a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water to thoroughly clean the feeder and rinse it well before refilling with fresh seed.

Can I use a sound deterrent to keep black birds away from my bird feeder?

Yes, you can use a sound deterrent to keep black birds away from your bird feeder. Some effective sound deterrents include playing recordings of predator calls or distress calls of other birds. You can also try using wind chimes or other noise-making objects near the feeder to scare away black birds. However, be aware that sound deterrents may also affect other birds and wildlife in the area.