Should I Stop Feeding Birds Because of Avian Flu

Should I Stop Feeding Birds Because of Avian Flu
Amanda Powell
Amanda Powell Avian Expert June 03, 2023

Feeding birds is a common pastime for many people, but with the recent outbreak of avian flu, some are wondering if it's safe to continue. Avian flu, also known as bird flu, is a highly infectious disease that affects birds and can be transmitted to humans.

Should I Stop Feeding Birds Because of Avian Flu

It is recommended to temporarily stop feeding birds to prevent the spread of avian flu. The virus can easily spread through bird feeders and bird baths, increasing the risk of infection among birds and humans. It is important to follow guidelines from local health authorities and wildlife agencies to prevent the spread of the virus.

Understanding Avian Flu

What is Avian Flu?

Avian flu is a viral infection that primarily affects birds, including domesticated birds such as chickens and turkeys, as well as wild birds. The virus is spread through contact with infected birds or their feces, saliva, or nasal secretions. While rare, avian flu can also be transmitted to humans who come into close contact with infected birds.

How does Avian Flu affect birds?

Avian flu can cause severe illness and death in birds, particularly domesticated birds such as chickens and turkeys. The virus can spread rapidly through a flock, leading to significant economic losses for farmers and the poultry industry. In wild birds, avian flu may not cause any symptoms or may cause mild illness, but infected birds can still spread the virus to other birds.

Feeding Birds and Avian Flu

Feeding birds can be a great way to attract them to your yard and provide them with a source of food, but during an avian flu outbreak, it's important to consider the potential risks.

What are the risks of feeding birds during an Avian Flu outbreak?

Feeding birds during an avian flu outbreak can increase the risk of spreading the virus. Infected birds can shed the virus in their feces, which can contaminate bird feeders and food sources. Other birds that come into contact with contaminated surfaces or food can become infected and spread the virus to other birds.

What precautions can be taken when feeding birds during an Avian Flu outbreak?

If you choose to continue feeding birds during an avian flu outbreak, there are several precautions you can take to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. These include:

  1. Clean bird feeders and food sources regularly with soap and water.
  2. Disinfect bird feeders and food sources with a solution of one part bleach to nine parts water.
  3. Wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly after handling bird feeders and food sources.
  4. Discard any bird feed that appears to be contaminated or moldy.

Is it necessary to stop feeding birds during an Avian Flu outbreak?

While it's not necessary to stop feeding birds during an avian flu outbreak, it's important to take precautions to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. If you're concerned about the potential risks, you may want to consider alternative ways to support bird populations during this time.

Alternatives to Feeding Birds

What are some alternatives to feeding birds during an Avian Flu outbreak?

There are several alternative ways to support bird populations during an avian flu outbreak, including:

  • Providing a source of water for birds to drink and bathe in.
  • Planting native plants and trees that provide food and shelter for birds.
  • Creating a bird-friendly habitat by providing nesting boxes and other structures.

How can I still enjoy birds without feeding them?

You can still enjoy watching and appreciating birds without feeding them during an avian flu outbreak. Consider using binoculars or a spotting scope to observe birds from a distance, or visit a local park or wildlife refuge to see birds in their natural habitat.


While it's not necessary to stop feeding birds during an avian flu outbreak, it's important to take precautions to reduce the risk of spreading the virus. If you choose to continue feeding birds, be sure to clean and disinfect bird feeders and food sources regularly and discard any contaminated feed. Alternatively, you can support bird populations by providing a source of water, planting native plants, and creating a bird-friendly habitat. By taking these steps, you can help protect both birds and humans from the spread of avian flu.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should we feed birds during avian flu?

It is recommended to temporarily stop feeding birds during an avian flu outbreak to prevent the spread of the disease.

Should I take my feeders down because of bird flu?

Yes, taking down bird feeders during an avian flu outbreak can help prevent the spread of the disease among birds.

Is avian flu spread at bird feeders?

Yes, avian flu can be spread at bird feeders through contact with infected birds or contaminated surfaces.

Is it safe to fill bird feeders now?

If there is no current avian flu outbreak in your area, it is safe to fill bird feeders. However, it is important to regularly clean and disinfect the feeders to prevent the spread of disease.

Can I still provide water for birds during avian flu?

Yes, providing clean water for birds is still important during an avian flu outbreak. However, it is recommended to use a bird bath or shallow dish instead of a standing water source to prevent the spread of disease.

What are the symptoms of avian flu in birds?

Symptoms of avian flu in birds can include respiratory distress, decreased appetite, and sudden death. If you notice sick or dead birds in your area, contact your local wildlife agency.

Can humans get avian flu from feeding birds?

While it is rare, humans can contract avian flu from infected birds. It is important to take precautions such as wearing gloves and washing hands thoroughly after handling bird feeders or coming into contact with sick birds.